Destiny of X

Sins of Sinister

X-Men (vol 6)

Immortal X-Men

X-Men Red (vol 2)

X-Force (vol 6)

Wolverine (vol 7)

Sabretooth & the Exiles

Rogue & Gambit

X-Men: Before the Fall

Fall of X

Hellfire Gala (2023)

Invincible Iron Man (vol 5)

X-Men (vol 6)

Immortal X-Men

X-Men Red (vol 2)

X-Force (vol 6)

Wolverine (vol 7)

Astonishing Iceman

Children of the Vault

Dark X-Men

Uncanny Avengers (vol 4)

Jean Grey (vol 2)

Realm of X

Uncanny Spider-Man

Fall of the House of X

Rise of the Powers of X

Wolverine (vol 7)

Invincible Iron Man (vol 5)

X-Men (vol 6)

Resurrection of Magneto

X-Force (vol 6)

Dead X-Men

X-Men: Forever

Avengers (vol 9)
